This linked and publicly-available article discusses The Arkansas Teacher Retirement System decision to invest with Pillar.
This linked and publicly-available article discusses The Arkansas Teacher Retirement System decision to invest with Pillar.
The attached article highlights aspects of Pillar’s approach.
The linked article provides insights on how reinsurance market pricing is firming up slightly more than expected.
Pillar Capital is profiled in this linked article because it received Hedgeweek’s award for Best Insurance-Linked Securities Hedge Fund.
This linked, publically available article about alternative reinsurance investing indicates capital is shifting to better established ILS funds, according to analysts at Peel Hunt.
The linked publically available article discusses the revived interest in reinsurance as an asset class for investment.
This article, which is linked with permission from Reinsurance News, aptly articulates the pricing expectations in reinsurance renewals.
For further information about Reinsurance News, visit
This article, which is reprinted with permission from ARTEMIS, explores the premise that the overall size and scale of a reinsurance partner is deemed less important than having a well-diversified panel of reinsurers.
This publically available article is included as it discusses asset allocation and, in particular, alternative investments.
We believe the following article, reprinted with permission from Trading Risk, highlights interesting points about the ILS asset class versus high yield debt and investment grade bonds.
For further information about Trading Risk, visit